2 Furballs
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New Kantti pics

Kantti's newest addition of pictures


This juice box blew air on me!! So I showed it something or two...


The bathroom corner, the place I go to recharge my battery.
I just let mom and dad think I am in screen-saver mode.


A wonderful summer day outside at g'ma and g'pa's house.
. o O (too bad they have this leash on me...)


This is how I sleep quite often. It is just the most comfortable postion I can find. It also allows the humans I share my place with to rub my belly when they happen to walk by! And many times, they just can't resist! So more pettings and scratches for me. Do I have them well trained or what!?

And this is the rest of the picture with my brother in it. He wasn't being as cute as I was this time. He'll just have to work on it more.
